Sunday, February 8, 2009

Morning sunshine

posted by Mary Lello, Sunday, February 8, 2009, 7:49 AM

First off - I logged onto the Well Wishes section and there was 146 messages .... and they were ALL from me responding with NO message on 2/27 at 3:39 p.m.!! God, I know I'm a spazz at this stuff but I have NO CLUE how that happened!!! I just spent 15 minutes deleting all those empty responses, as you can only delete One. At. A. Time. Now I'm hoping it is deleted for everyone who is logging on too. I mean, that was just obnoxious!!

Jim is beginning to really feel the effects of the chemo and radiation in his system. It's almost 9:00 a.m. and he is still in bed feeling pretty lousy. Once he is up he truly rally's big time - riding his bike last night, doing sit ups and some yoga as well before going off to dinner with friends. I'm not sure where or how he does this but he told me he wants to gain weight and he wants to get back in shape. They say exercise is good during all this and the more active you can stay the better to keep your strength up. He's doing pretty well with this aspect then.

Me? I totally hit the wall yesterday. You know how you feel when you have a bad cold and you think of all that you must do but you really don't care and you end up just lying on the couch? That was me yesterday, except I'm not sick. I dropped the ball and slept away a good part of the afternoon. And for about 1/2 hour I think the house was completely empty. I'm not kidding!! Not another soul here but Ella and I as David P. had come by and took Jim out for a couple hours. I lied on the day bed thinking "wow, there is not ONE person here right now. I have the house totally to myself!" And then I fell back asleep.

Today I feel a bit more refreshed and will probably go out for a trail run or ski with a couple friends. Looks like things are actually melting out there so I'm glad I've regained a bit of energy to be able to go outside and play for a bit.

Maureen arrived from California and so we have another fresh and ready person here. Jim and I do a really good job of just sucking the life out of folks who come to stay with us. Roseanne left yesterday (saturday) and I think she was ready to leave. Greg will leave Tuesday. He's been FANTASTIC and amazingly helpful and another right hand for me (I call him "my man slave"). But he too is getting weary and will be glad to return to his mountain home I imagine.

The care takers and drivers have all been trained by the Jalbert's and so that schedule will kick in this week. It will be good when that system is up and running smoothly as right now it feels a little overwhelming but I know that it will become a God send for us and allow me a little bit more time to run an errand, drop the ball more often perhaps (and it will still be o.k.) or get myself outside to exercise since I want to get back in shape too!!!

Things are progressing here as they should. We have fantastic doctors, we have fantastic support system with friends who are just incredible. I mean this ... INCREDIBLE!!! And we are fighting this cancer with everything we've got. It's all we can do.

And today is "a beautiful morning ... think I'll go outside for

awhile ..."

(after I get Jim up)

We so love you all, please know this!


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